Advanced Review Copy (ARC) Sign-Up
I'm accepting new members for my Overlord ARC team. Just click the button below to sign up. Scroll down for the book description.
I'll be sending out ebook ARCs from 9 January and closing for submissions on 16 January 2025.
What is an ARC?
ARC stands for Advanced Review Copy. They're free copies of a book that publishers sends out in the hope of getting an honest review by publication day.
ARCS are not handed out explicitly in exchange for a review. You're under no obligation to leave a review just because you got a free copy. But it's very helpful if you do because it helps other readers know whether the book is for them or not.
Plus, Amazon tends not to start recommending a book until it reaches 50 reviews. For us indie authors, who don't have a marketing department behind us, this makes a big difference.
Insterested? Just click the button below to sign up!
Overlord - Book Description
Shackled by the past, imprisoned by the future
Young mage Gidion has spent ten years hiding from the mysterious woman who murdered his mother when he was a child. He lives as a peddler, traveling from town to town with his father, never having any friends, never knowing what it is to have a home.
When the town he’s trading in is attacked by raiders, he accidentally blows his cover and must go on the run, leaving his father behind. He seeks mentoring and refuge in the Spire of Arindel, where the most powerful mages in the world live.
But his hopes for safety are soon dashed—everyone has their own agenda, and he doesn’t know who to trust. As his desperation mounts, he becomes driven to ever darker decisions with even darker consequences.